Installing Apache Web Server on Ubuntu (18.04)
In this guide, we will learn how to install Apache web server on Ubuntu desktop
What are Ubuntu and Apache?
Ubuntu is a version of Linux, a free and open source operating system, developed by Canonical. Due to its ease of use, it’s one of the most widely used distributions and among the best options for people just getting into Linux.
Apache is a free and open source web server that allows people to deliver web content on the internet. First released in 1995, it’s one of the most reliable web servers and is maintained by the Apache Software Foundation.
Before beginning the installation, we’ll use the update command to update the local package cache so that our system is aware of the latest available package versions. Then we’ll use the upgrade command to download and upgrade the packages to the newest versions.
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
Installing Apache
To install Apache, run the following command in the terminal. Your screen should look similar to the screen shot below.
sudo apt install apache2
We can confirm that the installation has been successful by opening your browser and navigating over to http://your_ipaddress
You can find your IP address using the following command
curl -4